Mending Wall, by Robert Frost

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Many works of literature contain an aspect of writing in which the author relays a story to the reader directly in order to conceal a deeper hidden meaning or concept that the reader will later discover. Authors veil the messages they wish readers to uncover using literary devices such as metaphor. In “Mending Wall” Robert Frost uses the metaphor of the wall to reveal the literal and figurative distance between the speaker and his neighbor to present the question as to whether or not neighbors need walls. Beyond expressly stating the existence of the wall, Frost often constructs the individual lines of the poem to look like a wall to further create the illusion of walls in the poem. The poem’s form and content creates and reinforces the idea of the literal and figurative wall which exists between the two men in “Mending Wall”. Frost also uses metaphor to conceal his opinion on the necessity of walls through the character of the speaker.
The poem “Mending Wall” is narrated by a character referred to as the speaker. The speaker is characterized as a contemplative, whimsical, and withdrawn man. At the very start of the poem the speaker contemplates how the wall falls into disarray over the course of the winter, he thinks of hunters, that while chasing foxes, topple the perched boulders from their place on the stone wall (5-9). The speaker is a whimsical imaginative man, he envisions using spells to keep the boulder in place (18), and that building the wall with his neighbor is “just another outdoor game” (21). His playful nature comes out in the spring, as he likes to prod his neighbor to engage in conversation about why they need a wall between their properties (28). However, the speaker’s main attribute is his withdrawn antisocial...

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...o cause to ever tread on the toes of his neighbor. These lines which contain most breaks in meter occur in the center of the poem, dividing it directly in half as wall would. After these the lines, the poem resumes its iambic pentameter structure. At this point in the poem, the speaker acquiesces and falls silently into thought. It is here that the wall between the two men is solidified.
“Mending Wall” written by Robert Frost uses the literary device metaphor to reveal the literal and figurative wall between two men and wall exist in society. The wall devised by Frost exists between the two men because they cannot overcome their differences in personality and opinion. The reader discovers the underlying message by analyzing the created metaphor of the wall between the speaker and his neighbor.

Works Cited

Frost, Robert. “Mending Wall.” Web 2014

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