Media Portrayal of the Ukrainian Crisis

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Before going to the topic information warfare and role of media in Ukraine crisis, it is important to note that what information warfare is? Information warfare is as complex as old warfare is. It has many dimensions and not easy to understand. Information warfare is basically a warfare which is fought with latest information techniques and most important part of information warfare is social media and satellite.

We can define information warfare as it’s a warfare in which we uses information techniques which includes surveillance technology, communication infra-structure and a small things which is important in this account i.e. language, words, pictures and expressions. Information warfare is a threat to national security and it destroy adversary completely. Information warfare can also be named as intelligence-based warfare, hacker warfare, electronic warfare, psychological warfare, cyber-warfare and economic information warfare.

It is warfare in which private and a government news network are creating news on some assumptions and then informs the public about specific issue. It is a somehow a warfare in which weapons are called media, news networks operate as the armies and all the communication networks are the part of this information warfare.

Example is the movie “wag the dog” in which news channel show a story that there was a war in Albania and a president is so patriotic and reached to Albania to meet the victims. So it is all a media game and it’s only a technique to gain a public attention on world issues.

Ukraine is presently a victim of this information warfare as Syria is and is being reflected by the media. The purpose of the media warfare is to bring a revolution in Kiev by media to safe and achieve the pub...

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...s not permitted as per NPT to test the nuclear weapons but most of the countries testing and making the nuclear weapons because of the technologies.

The future of the Ukraine is unpredictable as they have the influence of United States and they have a strong monopoly in the region and EU is also with U.S. And Russia is also strong enough to defend herself from all the sanctions and make the Crimea of Russia part.






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