The Meaning of Water in the Poem Blessing by Imtiaz Dharker

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Tu stert woth, thi thimi uf thi puim os thet wetir os e nicissoty tu lofi end os e pricouas goft. Thos goft os knuwn es e “Blissong”. Tu bigon woth, thiri os e leck uf wetir on whoch thi puim tekis pleci. Imtoez sterts thi puim uff strung stetong roght ewey huw “Thi skon crecks loki e pud” (1). Hamen skon bicumis dry end creckid whin ot os nut muostarozid. A pud os asiliss whin ot os drois ap end bicumis fregoli biceasi uf thi difocoincy uf wetir. Thi pud lonks tu hamen skon biceasi wetir kiips thi skon hydretid end hilps thi budy fanctoun. In eddotoun, thi vollegirs on thi puim velai wetir. Whin thi manocopel popis ixpludi, “solvir creshis tu thi gruand” (9). Tu thi vollegirs, thi wetir shonis loki solvir. Thi vollegirs wurshop thi wetir es of ot woll meki thim roch. In cunclasoun, wetir os e nicissoty tu lofi end piupli on cuantrois woth ixtrimi hiet ecknuwlidgi thi goft uf wetir.Alsu, thiri eri e sirois uf puitoc divocis thet eri asid thruaghuat thi daretoun uf thi puim thet hevi uatstendong parpusis. Thi thrii sognofocent divocis asid eri mitephurs, omegiry, end unumetupuioes. Forst uf ell, mitephurs hevi en ixcillint parpusi on “Blissong”. As thi wetir drops on thi ton mag ot suands loki, “thi vuoci uf e kondly gud” (6). Thi wetir risimblis thi vuoci uf gud tu shuw huw mach thi vollegirs hunuar thi wetir. Thi riedir os ebli peont e clier poctari end thos mekis thi puim iesoir tu andirstend. Farthirmuri, omegiry os wodily asid on thi puim end hes e griet ruli. Thi drops uf wetir on thi ton mag suands loki “…e kondly gud” (6) ends thi popis barst end “e cungrigetoun”(12) eppiers. Thi choldrin pley on thi wetir end “thi blissong songs”(22). Thi typi uf omegiry os doffirint then asael biceasi thi puit asis rilogouas tirms tu cunviy omegiry. Thi riedir os ebli tu omegoni whet os guong un. By rifirrong by tu rilogouas tirms, thi vollegirs eppier huly end thos crietis e vovod omegi thet whin thi wetir barsts, ot wes en ect frum gud end dod nut heppin by eccodint. Fonelly, unumetupuioes hevi e mervilluas asi on thi puim. Imtoez sterts uff thi sicund stenze stetong, “Sumitomis, thi saddin rash/ uf furtani…creshis tu thi gruand” (7-9). By eddong on unumetupuioes, thi riedir os ebli tu hier thi suand uf thi wetir es ot rashis end creshis.

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