Impact of Mass Media on Women's Lives

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During the 1950s, mass media influenced society in a way that had never been done before. It seemed that if one took a look into the typical American household, we could look back and realize how strong of an influence the American citizens were under. There was mom in the kitchen, dad’s watching TV with his son; and his little girl is in her room playing with her Barbies. Now, did you ever stop to think about the effects of everyone’s actions in this scenario? Maybe it’s the patriarchal attitude promoted on television that could have led to at least a fraction of the 960,000 domestic violence incidents that occurred this year, or perhaps staring at Barbie’s unrealistic measurements is why 81% of our 10 year olds today are afraid of being “fat” . The 1950s stay-at-home mom, usually did not have a job and would never get a divorce simply because she could not afford to. The mentality of simply “dealing with it” could have been passed on through generations leading to the 4 deaths today due to domestic abuse.2 So maybe the 1950s had a lot more influence over us than we thought. The media of the 1950s slowly and silently led us to world we have today. From TV shows like I Love Lucy and Leave it to Beaver, strong male roles were portrayed, while women typically took on the role of “damsels in distress”. Product advertisements encouraged women to take pride in their kitchen by decorating it with their products. Media came in and influenced everyone in unbelievable ways and it picked the best time to do so. Suddenly women were more inferior than ever; media came through and shut women who aimed to change the image of the typical broad down. Mass media not only encouraged the age old “women are weak” stereotype but it degraded women in...

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...ration-or-sexualization-parents-guide-the-influence-of-dolls/ (accessed December 16, 2013). Hoskins, . Divine Caroline, "The Negative Effects of Barbie on Young Girls an the Long Term Results." Accessed December 16, 2013.
Gary Edgerton, The Columbia History of American Television, (Columbia University Press, 2009), Gary R. “Here Comes Television: Remaking American Life – 1948-1954.&source=bl&ots=e8Apm8JWdL&sig=n7I-MO08nGwgQkdzwI-_riLp7LM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bQaUUsjfH5W2sAS02YDADQ&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAw
"Research Report." (accessed December 16, 2013).

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