Mass Media and Democratization in Indonesian Political System

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This paper is going to talk about mass media and democratization in Indonesian political system. What kind of democratization it is. What are the influences of mass media in our society? In this paper, we are going to discuss it further. Since this issue is a reality which happened in our country. Moreover, it also has an impact towards the result of general election. This result will lead Indonesia to a better way or the opposite of it, which is the worst.

Mass media, now, became one of the tools that are used by most of the political actors. This is like an arena to promote or to campaign their self. This becomes a big issue to discuss. Since we already know some of the political actors who used mass media to campaign. In this paper, also, we will give the study case from our presidential candidates Wiranto and Hary Tanoesodeibjo.

The purpose of this academic paper is to fulfill or last assignment for final examination. Moreover, we hope through this academic paper, the readers will gain more knowledge about mass media and democratization in Indonesia political system and it will help the readers to know deeply about mass media and democratization in Indonesia political system

B. Background

Mass media is one of the tools to search and find about the up to date information. There are also types of mass media, which are, spoken, written or even broadcast. It is also as a form of the democratization itself. This is proven from the presence of freedom of the press, freedom of opinion and that would embody a discussion forum or a debate of the politician (actually for the presidential election) so that people actually know the capabilities of his choice of presidential candidates.

Since mass media also become the tools for...

... middle of paper ...

... place for public to get knowledge (learning process), to choose and to contribute in the political system

I. Question and Answer

J. Conclusion

Works Cited

The role and influence of mass media

accessed on 8 march 2014 21:40

Tanggapan Hanura atas Tayangan WIN-HT di Sinetron Tukang Bubur Naik Haji

accessed on 8 March 2014 23:40

Wiranto Klaim Elektabilitasnya Naik karena Sering Muncul di TV

accessed on 9 March 02:57

Indonesia’s Political System

accessed on 9 MARCH AT 03:12

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