Marxist Theory: Capitalism Leads to Alienation

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Summarise the main points of the arguments of theory/theorist you have read (1000 words)
Marxism is considered to be a radically alternative view to the development of economic, philosophical, political and sociological theories of society in comparison with other theories and theorists. Marxists tend to be more macro sociologists focussing more on wider society and the material production within this, rather than individuals within it. Craib, I (1997:36) says that with Marx comes the realisation that human beings are not the creators of society, rather than the creature and are the product of the society in which they are born into. In other words we do not create society, rather society shapes the people we are. This can be linked to the Materialist conception of History. Marxists believe that the material and historical contexts an individual lives in shape us. Although Marxists view us as subjects of social structures, we can also be agents of social change once we recognise we belong in certain social classes and are sometime constrained by them. Craib, I (1997:36) talks about how Marx developed an idea of society which was unique. He emphasised the material conditions of people’s lives and the importance of history. If our history and material context is manipulative, domineering and alienating we should engage in more politics free from restraints in order to create change. This needs to be done on the basis of class and not through individual strategies.

Marxism can be seen as a political theory and have strong views on the role of capitalism within society. Reiss, E (1997:51) says that capitalism exists because the wealth-creating enterprises are owned privately by a few and most people have to sell their labour and w...

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...struggles. As stated above they believe the ruling class dominate the working class and keep them compliant and controlled. There is one major strength when looking a Marxism, but it is only theoretical. Their view on how society should be run is a much better one that aims towards a more equal society. This would greatly benefit everyone in the working class and especially lower classes.

What questions and criticisms would you raise about the theories/theorists explanation of how society works? (500 words)
Reiss, E (1997:44) emphasises the contradiction of the role of class struggle and productive forces for showing how society is shaped and works. Historical Materialism points towards productive forces but elsewhere Marx emphasises class struggle. This could be sorted by saying it’s both and that the social groups deal with conflict with forces and relations of

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