Marriage and Divorce

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Marriage and Divorce

Marriage and divorce may be approached in differing ways by a couple

according to the vows and rituals they undertake prior to, during and

after the wedding ceremony.

Marriage like family is an institution for all regardless of religious

convictions. The basis of a marriage varies in different cultures; in

the West...romantic love, while in other cultures, marriages are

arranged by parents for political, financial and cultural reasons.

In the Western world, the Christian and Jewish communities consider

monogamous relationships, those that occur between a male and a

female, acceptable. Modern Christianity and affluent societies insist

marriages should be strictly monogamous, (one man should only have one

wife, and one woman should only have one husband.) In some religions

it is believed marriages must remain exclusive until one partner dies

or the marriage is annulled. Due to the ever increasing numbers of

divorces and remarriages, the practice of having additional spouses

consecutively (serial monogamy) is becoming ever more common. In

Christian cultures, polygamy is regarded as immoral and adulterous. It

violates one of the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt not commit

adultery." Polygyny, the state of practice of having more than one

wife at the same time is widespread within certain cultures, i.e.

Islamic societies in Africa and The Church of the Latter-day Saints

(Mormons) in Utah, USA. Polyandry, the possession by a woman of more

than one husband has never been recognized and is condemned by all

major world religions.

People can effortlessly 'fall in' and 'out' of love with someone whom

they are phy...

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underage marriage or bigamy. Annulment means a spouse can bring an

action to have the marriage declared a nullity, meaning that it never

legally existed in the eyes of the Church. Children also remain

legitimate from within the annulled marriage.

The sanctity of marriage in today's society is becoming an ideal more

than reality. The ever-increasing divorce rates signify, that divorce

is no longer stigmatised but a realistic way to end a marital

breakdown. Many couples no longer need to marry, as society no longer

looks down upon unmarried couples and the children of unmarried unions

are now viewed as acceptable. Society has evolved and developed a

modern, realistic approach to marriage, cohabitation and pre marital

relationships, realising that marriage is more a choice than a

necessity in modern times.

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