Market Research Report about Welsh Recycling Campaign

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1. Introduction:

Since the national waste strategy for Wales was launched in 2002, Welsh recycling has been dramatically improved (Welsh Assembly Government, 2010a). In 2010, Welsh government revised its overarching waste strategy to “Toward Zero Waste”. Based on this strategy, Wales will achieve a high recycling in 2025 and zero waste by 2050 (Welsh Assembly Government, 2014a). In the past three years, the tonnes of waste recycled and composted have significantly raised (Statswales, 2014a). Meanwhile, the amount of waste and the tonnes of landfilled waste both have decreased (Statswales, 2014b; Statswales, 2014c). Although the series of recycling strategies achieved positive effects, there is still considerable waste produced yearly. In 2012, the Welsh government totally landfilled 783,563 tonnes of waste (Statswales, 2014b), while 783,598 tonnes waste was recycled or composted (Statswales, 2014a). The Welsh Government has organized many campaigns to enhance the nation’s awareness and participation in recycling.

Existing Campaign Analysis

Current, the campaign of Welsh recycling is mainly managed by Waste Awareness Wales (WAW), which funded by the Welsh Assembly Government since 2002 and totally use almost £8,230,000 budget from 2002-2011 (Welsh Assembly Government, 2010b). These campaigns attempt to encourage publics to change their behaviour (Welsh Assembly Government, 2013). Some sub-campaigns such as “Love Food Hate Waste”, “Real Nappy Campaign”, and “Giant Caddy Event” all have achieved positive effects.

Gregory (2010:93) states objective setting should follow the SMART rules: Stretching, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound. These Welsh recycling campaigns covered most aspects of waste, paying more attention to...

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...Retrieved from: [Accessed: 10 Feb 2014].

Welsh Assembly Government. (2010a). Env57 funding for waste awareness wales. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 19 Feb 2014].

Welsh Assembly Government. (2010b). The overarching waste strategy document for wales. [report] Welsh Assembly Government.

Welsh Assembly Government. (2013). Funding for waste awareness wales 2013-14 to 2014-15. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 14 Feb 2014].

Welsh Assembly Government. (2014). Towards zero waste. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 12 Feb 2014].

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