Making Choices

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said “Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast, that however high we reach, we are never satisfied.” That, I believe, is the core essence of who we are as human beings, the fuel that lights our reasoning and keeps us going and i am no exception to the rule.

All started at the end of my 4th school year when i had the choice to take a test to be admitted into a special form for best students. I thought that that was a huge opportunity to make my standout. I took the test and joined the special class. At the age of 14 I had the chance to prove myself again. The good grades at the exam I sat for, allowed me to join the high school I wanted, so i became a student at the “Costin C. Kiritescu” Economic High School in Bucharest. The four years of study here approach an end and I have yet another choice to take. This time, i am aiming higher than ever.

Growing in a family of four, I got familiar with the notion of competitiveness at an early age, from the naive struggle to make my mother a better postcard than my brother’s for Mother’s Day to making better life-changing decisions. Like this one.

Every choice I made until now shaped me as an individual and helped me discover what I truly wanted. I had one of those revelatory moments approximately one year ago when a unique opportunity presented itself. My classmates and I were invited to participate at a virtual firm fair in Prague. A virtual firm is actually a fictive company in which everyone in the team is an employee, and just like a real company, we devise new strategies, we come up with innovative and efficient ideas and we work together in order to get to the top. Unlike real companies, the virtual one's goal is not to make the...

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...But why study abroad? Being born and having lived in a developing country with a tumultuous history like Romania, I felt the harsh reality of instability, both social and economic, on my own skin. Since childhood, I strove for the exact opposite. And where else to find that balance than in one of the most stable and prosperous countries in the world? (7th place according to "The Times") Joining the European Union on the 1st of January 2007 furthered the accessibility of interaction between its member countries. EU is offering me the opportunity to experience this cultural exchange again and i believe England is the best place to start with.

I definitely identify with the words of Longfellow since I do not plan on stopping after getting the bachelor's degree. I do want to further specialize by earning a master's degree and eventually a PhD. After that, who knows?

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