Make Gay Marriage Legal

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Marriage is a natural right that everyone deserves and for the gay community that right is a constant struggle. The gay community want to show the person that they publicly promise to be with them. Gay couples are constantly fighting for their right to marry. They are fighting to have everything a “normal” heterosexual couple has within their relationship. Although society is changing and becoming more accepting of other ideas, then the concept of traditional marriage between a man and woman, it is still a constant battle trying to add gay marriage as a legal binding commitment. There is the struggles of trying to overcome the obstacles that come with gay marriage and also the problems that come with having a domestic partner. By reviewing the positives of legalizing gay marriage, it is evident that same-sex marriage provides many benefits to the gay community while also providing many economic benefits for the United States. This is significant because same-sex couples deserve to have all the benefits a traditional marriage has and the legalization of gay marriage would help the American economy.
To begin, by analyzing the definition of marriage one could argue that it is evolving, and the meaning is changing to fit the more modern meaning of marriage. Marriage to many people is considered “a covenant between a man and a woman and their entire goal is procreation”, but marriage itself has many definitions depending on whom is being asked (TFP Student Action). The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that marriage is “the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law” (MW). The Cornell Law School defines marriage as “the legal union of a couple...

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...(2013, June 26). Why marriage equality is good for the economy and the budget. Retrieve from
TFP Student Action (n.d). 10 reasons why homosexual “marriage” is harmful and must be opposed. Retrieved from
Marriage (n.d). Cornell University Law School. Retrieved from
Marriage (n.d). Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from Anonymous, (n.d). Marriage 101 Retrieved from
Badgett, L., Ramos, C., Sears, B., Steinberger, M., (April 2009) The impact on Maine’s budget of allowing same-sex couples to marry, The Williams institute, p.3

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