Make a Life Worth Living with Another Soul

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The world we live in can be so abrasive, cruel, and merciful. Shouldn’t anyone be allowed to find that one person to make life worth living? Every human needs love and care to continue to grow, feel safe, comfortable, and sound. A life worth living without living or sharing it with someone else.
The immigrants felt that they did not have the quality of the life worth living, they decided that life is indeed worth living, therefore the Puritans determined to improve their lifestyle by moving to the New World. “Being thus left to our fortunes, it fortuned that within ten days, scarce ten amongst us could either go or well stand, such extreme weakness and sickness oppressed us” (Smith 72). They knew if they didn’t leave to the Americas then they'd die of sickness, not having enough of the essentials, nor their freedom. One good choice that the people made was to go to the Americas to seek help, get their freedom back, and to get away from the old dump they live to start a new beginning.
As Abigail Williams sits in the court house with Mary Warren, John Proctor and all the other local girls, including the Court Official's Abigail was making statement's to persuade in a way was winning. As John says, "It is a whore!" (Miller 1309). John wants his wife called in to tell the absolute truth about Abigail because he says his wife is no liar. Elizabeth was called to court room and asked some questions about Abigail. Danforth asks "Is your husband a lecher!" Elizabeth replies, "No sir." (Miller 1311). She should have just told the truth. In The Crucible it shows valor and faith in the life worth living. One of the biggest conflicts shown in ("The Crucible") is when Abigail and John had an affair, not only was this an affair but also lec...

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... house. At first the guy felt iffy but then realized something was wrong, gave him a free pizza and soda. Cops showed up and took Dave in. Dave has finally gotten away from the torture and pain and now can continue to grow and live the life worth living.
As the world is so cruel, and can make people feel so lonely how can they make their life worth living? One always needs another one by their side to live this life in this world today. Every single one of us needs the love from one another and others around us to make us feel alright, safe, and comfortable. In conclusion through all of these little stories i have taken an adventure though to tie in the life worth living and through this they all had to adjust and make changes to make their life the way they want it to be, the way their going to live it. To be happy, free, and content with others surrounding them.

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