The Major Reasons to Conform to a Group

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Conformity is a type of social influence that adjusts one's behavior, attitudes or beliefs in order to match those of other people or a group standard. There are lots of reasons to why people conform, it could be because of one’s desire or need to fit in or be accepted by others and maintaining order in ones life. In this essay, I am going to discuss about the three main factors that influence conformity; culture, unanimity and minority influence.

Culture can be defined as the distinct ways that people who live in different parts of the world or areas, or belonging to different social groups, classify the world, represent their experiences, the norms, values and behavior that they have. Culture can consist of many dimensions, which are certain patterns of how a particular culture tends to view the world.

One of the many dimensions that may have an influence on conformity is individualism-collectivism. This dimension basically describes how people in the culture define themselves as a collective and their relationships with others. In collectivist countries (culture), such as Hong Kong, Fiji, and Brazil, people tend to be more cohesive and the group’s interest is more important than individual needs. In individualist countries (culture), such as United Kingdom and France, on the other hand, self-interest is more important than group interest and family ties are loose. Traditionally, African, South American and Asian countries are considered to be collectivist cultures, while North American and European countries are considered to be individualistic cultures. Economy of the world and countries could be the reason why the difference in the collectivism-individualism dimension has developed. Plenty of cooperation is needed in cou...

... middle of paper ... inconsistent, and their claims seemed too rigid or unrealistic. I personally believe that further research should take place in order to investigate the long lasting effects of minority influence in addition to the other parts of Moscovici’s theory.

In conclusion, culture, unanimity and minority influence are three important factors that influence conformity. These three factors look at three different aspects of conformity. Culture looks at collectivism and individualism dimensions of each country, while unanimity and minority influence look at various countries in one perspectives (just a group of people). Also, while unanimity is when people follow the majority due to peer pressure, minority influence is when majority group follows the minority group, as the smaller group is more consistent, non-cohesive, non-unanimous and calm with their opinions and views.

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