Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging How the analytical chemistry or medical diagnosis application works Getting an MRI is a non-invasive method used to look at images inside an object. MRI’s are mainly used to observe pathological or physiological developments of living tissues. The patient simply lies on his or her back and slides onto the bore- the tube running through the magnet. An MRI’s job is to find tissue and determine what it is, by using radio wave pulses of energy. The MRI creates 2-D or 3-D images of each point in the patient’s body. The MRI system can cause tissues in the body to take on different appearances, which is helpful to radiologists who read it. It can also show flowing blood to help show the arterial system. The purpose of the application MRI is ideal for the following:  Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis (MS)  Diagnosing Tumors in the brain or pituitary gland  Diagnosing Infections in the brain, spine, joints, etc.  Seeing torn ligaments in the wrist, knees, ankles, etc.  Visualizing shoulder injuries  Evaluating masses in the soft tissues of the body  Evaluating bone tumors or cists.  Diagnosing strokes in the early stages MRI scanners do not use ionizing radiation, thus have very low risks of any side effects. An advantage of MRI scanners is that it can view images from any plane and angle How MRI scanners affects our way of life Today’s society is clearly active in sports, and also participates actively in vascular diseases, muscle disorders, and any bodily problem to that matter. In other words, people who receive MRI scans are not unique, since these scans are performed quite often due to problems with tissues in the body. This could be due to the intensity of playing sports, to simply getting older.... ... middle of paper ... ... spins are at high or low energy states. The coil can now send the messages to the computer. The signals will fade when individual spins contributing to the net magnetization loses their coherence. Figure 1: How MRI's Work Safety of MRI Although there have been no harmful effects in MRI scanning on the fetus this far, as a precaution, women who are pregnant are not allowed to undergo MRI scans unless absolutely necessary. The fetus may be harmed by the heat or the noise of the machine. If a patient is claustrophobic, it is strongly recommended to avoid this type of scanning, since it is typically not pleasant to lie in. It may be a long procedure so it is not recommended. People who have implants or foreign bodies (metal plates, breast enhancements, etc.) should not have an MRI done.

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