Lyndon Baines Johnson

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“Poverty must not be a bar to learning and learning must offer and escape from poverty” (Lyndon Baines Johnson). Lyndon Baines Johnson created the Great Society to stop poverty. Lyndon Baines Johnson stopped poverty by doing Health and Welfare Programs, Education, Housing and Urban Development Programs, and Consumer and Environmental and Protection. Lyndon Baines Johnson helped the the people of the United States out a lot by doing the Great Society Programs.
Lyndon Baines Johnson created Health and Welfare Programs to help the people of the United States who had a family to take care of, but with no job or have a job but makes low income. Food Stamps Act of 1964. The Food Stamp Act helped the low income, homeless, and the disable people to get food. The federal government and the state put money on a card to help those people but they could only buy food. Medicaid and Medicare Act helped the low income and disable to go to the doctor and have medicine. Medicaid was for people over 65 and Medicare was for people 65 and older. Child Nutrition Act of 1966 was for the poor children who didn’t have anything. Child Nutrition Act provided school breakfast, lunch and milk program to help the children nutrition .
Equal access to education was vital to a child’s ability to lead a productive life (Lyndon Baines Johnson). Lyndon Baines Johnson created the Education Act of 1964 to help the poor children who had no education. He created Project Head Start, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Higher Education Act of 1965 and Job Corps. Project Head Start offered preschool education to the poor children. The children that were disadvantaged could go to a preschool to help with their education. Elementary and Secondary Education Act...

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...s Johnson was one of the best president we done had because of the Great Society.

Works Cited

“200 years of US-Russian Relations” (online) . 07 may 2014

“About the Crisis” (online) . 07 May 2014

“Castro Urges Nuclear Attack on America” (Online) <>. 05 May 2014.

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"Cold War History" (online)>. 03 April 2014

“The Cold War Museum” (online) . 09 April 2014

“The Cuban Missile Crisis” (online) . 07 May 2014

“What Was The Cold War?” (online)>. 03 April 2014

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