Love in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Love in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

There are various types of love shown in the play Romeo and Juliet.

Many characters in the play portray theses. The most obvious one would

be the romantic love of Romeo and Juliet. But it is important not to

forget about the other types of love as well. These are parental,

courtly bawdy and mercenary love.

Shakespeare centers the play on the romantic love of Romeo and Juliet.

I think he has the most to tell us about this type of love out of all

the various types. Probably because this is the most powerful and

effective of them all and also the most interesting and heart breaking

at the same time.

Romantic love is powerful. It is so powerful it changed a character

completely. A very good example will be Juliet. She was an obedient,

shy, quiet and typical daughter of that time till she fell in love

with Romeo. When her parents tell her to meet Paris she said

obediently, “but no more deep will i…than your consent gives…” but

after she fell in love and secretly marries Romeo, she did not only

become a disobedient rebel but also speaks against her father and was

not afraid of anything. When her father tells her to marry Paris she

said, “ I will not marry yet…” and when she is drinking the

portion,she did it “without fear or doubt.” This very sudden extreme

and unbelievable change within her was caused mainly because of this

infatuation she had for Romeo.

This is shown through Romeo as well. It was the romantic love that

blinded him to marry Juliet when he knew that was not the wisest

thing. He said “my life is my foes debt!” when he fell in love with

Juliet. Later in the play he did not hesitate a moment killing himself

when he saw dead Juliet. He drank the poison with these powerful

words, “Juliet I will lie with thee tonight.”

To a certain point this powerfulness of their romantic love caused so

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