Looking at the World Sociologically

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Looking at the World Sociologically To look at the world sociologically, one must first understand the definition of sociology. Sociologists, according to Peter L. Berger are people who are “intensively, endlessly, and shamelessly interested in the doings of men.” They study people in their natural habitat, which is wherever people gather. So in order to look at the world from this perspective, one should “think systematically about how many things we experience as personal problems are really social issues that are widely shared by others born in a similar time and social location as us.” (Pearson Custom Sociology, 5) This is known as the “sociological imagination”, first coined by C. Wright Mills. In The Promise, Mills describes how there is a connection between our problems and those of the social world. In order to understand these connections however, one must look at the different aspects that make up the social world and how they affect us. The various themes to understand when looking at the world sociologically are social structure, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and social interaction. One aspect of sociology is social structure. Social structures are everywhere and basically make up how our society functions. The decisions made by individuals on a daily basis are limited and influenced by their position in the social structure. There are many positives and negatives to observe when discussing social structure. On a positive note social life is not possible without structure. These structures give individuals order and rhythm to everyday life. Without them one would probably be lost, so it is useful in the sense that it is a guide. However there are negative aspects as well. When social hierarchi... ... middle of paper ... ...ed until they agreed that they were mentally ill. They had to agree to the label. This study led to closing of many mental hospitals. This study proved the dangerous power labeling has on individuals and groups. In conclusion, we as individuals all need to look a t the world sociologically. Everyday we are confronted with conflicts and injustices. Social interaction gives us the tools to understand our personal self in relation to others in the world. In order to improve our world we must realize that we as individuals are influenced by the environment, time period, parents, and childhood and adult experiences. We are not just individual but part of the social world. In Sociological Imagination C. Wright Mills stated that, “sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society.

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