Long-Term Care: Aging Concepts and Controversies

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When a member of someone’s family goes ill or is no longer able to live on their own and take care of themselves; it is up to the family members to decide the best course of action for them to get the best care that they can. There several different options that need to be considered when looking at long-term care facilities for older adults. In this paper, I will briefly discuss two of the most common options that people choose between when looking at long-term care options. One option is home care and the other is assisted and/or independent living facilities. These two options are some of the best ways to take care of ill elders. There are many complications that can arise as one ages. As stated in the Aging Concepts and Controversies (2012) book, there are basically two worlds of aging; the ill-derly and the well-derly. While those that are well are able to take care of themselves or need very little help to perform their daily activities; those that are ill most likely we need to have some form of long-term care. As stated earlier, when looking at care options for older adults, there are two forms of care that many people try to decide between. The first option is home care. In this form of long-term care, the elder person is looked after by a spouse, family member such as a child or grandchild, or a close family friend. The other type of long-term care is nursing home or institutionalized care, where the elderly person is taking care of by professionals and lives in the facility where they are being taken care of. Many times it is not easy to decide which type of care will be best, it depends on many factors, such as the cost, level of care needed, and many other factors. Using this paper, I like to briefly look a... ... middle of paper ... ...rs. This paper was just to give an overview of things that need to be looked for when deciding. Hopefully, one day we will find a new way to be able to provide the best care with the smallest expense, so no one will have to compromise with the health of elder loved ones because they cannot afford long- term care. Works Cited Campbell, Ruth. "Nursing Home and Long-Term Care in Japan." Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia. no. 1 (1984): 78-89. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2758388 (accessed March 5, 2014). Matthews, Joseph. Long-Term Care How to plan & Pay for It. Berkley, CA.: Nolo, 2012. Matthews, Joseph L. Choose the Right Long-Term Care. Berkley, CA: Nolo, 2002. Moody, Harry R., and Jennifer R. Sasser. Aging Concepts and Controversies. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE, 2012. Schor, Joshua D. The Nursing Home Guide. New York: Penguin Group, 2008.

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