Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Character Analysis

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In Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men he discusses Dreams, loneliness, and strength. Steinbeck’s main characters George, who is classified as a mister know it all so to speak and Lennie, a mentally ill man with the mind of a five year old, have a dream of owning land of their own some day. Curley’s wife, a sly indecisive she devil, had a dream of becoming a movie star and came close, but the talent scout who claimed to be her ticket to Hollywood never called her back. Crooks , the only black character in the whole book, in a sense is lonely. In this book Crooks is left out and separated from everyone. He is not allowed in the white stable-hand cabin. In the beginning of the book George describes that the life of a stable-hand is a lonely life. Then …show more content…

While Lennie is in the barn stroking his dead new puppy, Curley's wife walks in and assures Lennie that it is okay to talk to her after Lennie knows George tells him that she is trouble. Curley's wife tells Lennie that her mother would not let her join the traveling show when she was fifteen years old. Soon after that happened a talent scout spotted her and promised her that she would become a movie star in Hollywood."'Nother time I met a guy, an' he was in pitchers. Went out to the Riverside Dance Palace with him. He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. Soon's he got back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it. " She looked closely at Lennie to see whether she was impressing him. "I never got that letter, " she said (Steinbeck 88). The talent scout never came back and broke Curley's wife dreams. Curley's wife admit that the only thing left for her to do was marry Curley, which she does not like. By Curley's wife always admitting how much she is unhappy to Lennie, candy, cook makes me believe that finding true love is also a dream of Curley's wife that will not be lived out because of her tragic death by …show more content…

He is actually the only African American on the farm. Of Mice and Men was set in a time period were blacks and white's were separated. Crooks was not allowed in the "whites" stable-hand cabin. So when all the other stable hands went to the brothel and left candy, crook and Lennie behind at the farm Lennie wonders into Crooks stable. They then begin to talk about how Lennie and George is going to get their on farm. Crooks then begins to tell Lennie about his childhood. When Candy the old stable-hand walks in and assures Crooks that Lennie is not lying and that they really are getting a farm. Only then does Crooks becomes interested and Candy offers crooks to stay with them. Crooks Candy and Lennie dreamed of the piece of land that they all were ready to live on. Candy was dreaming of a place were he can live the rest of his life out. Lennie was dreaming of his soft rabbits he could pet and Crooks was ready to stay somewhere where he will not be left out because of the color of his skin. This dream was short lived when Curley's wife comes in and changes everyone's mood. When crook threatens to tell Curley all the flirting his wife does Curley's wife remind crooks that she can have him lynched. "Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny. "(Steinbeck 79)Then crooks realize that he will never be accepted for the color of his skin and no longer wants to live at the farm

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