lMaking a Persuasive Case from Documentary on Children and Advertising

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Making a Persuasive Case from Documentary on Children and Advertising

“Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood” is a documentary that focuses on the tremendous growth of child marketing which has thrived in unregulated industry. The documentary addresses topics in wide range scope such as “edutainment” for toddlers and babies, commercialization in schools and increased market research. It relies on industry insiders, health care professionals, advocates for children, news media clips and advertising to expose the controversies in the industry. Although the documentary recognizes the impact of child marketing on growth in terms of annual spending of about $700b, it is against wholesale commercialization of childhood through exposing the effects of the same on the well being and health of children.

The film has tried to attain a substantial degree of persuasion although the specific goal of the film is not clearly stipulated (Lannon 123). The film succeeds in connecting with the audience on the basis of relationship by addressing them as parents and society and rationally providing information that allows the audience to engage in thought. Additionally, the evidence provided is broad and adequate enough to persuade. In addition, the film recognizes the constraints to its achievement by addressing the various constraints involved. For example, the organizational constraints of the media revealed through the reduction of the authority of the Federal Trade Commission, political constraints originating from the deregulation of the industry, legal constraints and ethical constraints.

The documentary “Consuming kids” generally addresses parents and school administrators. The political realities addressed refer to the influe...

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...dutainment and the reliance on experts in advertising to erode the innocence of childhood and the effects of child marketing on the well-being and health of children (Pugh 166).

The focus of information is important with much emphasis on the deregulation of the industry as the cause of the problem while the other reasons are given equal weight. The conclusion of the film focuses more on the effects of the child marketing on the children. The authors provide a definitive action for the audience which entails taking responsibility for their children. However, this proves more of a challenge in a deregulated industry and the solution would be advocacy for increased regulation and increased research on the same. The film clearly presents the consequences of inaction mainly in negative effects on the health of children such as diabetes, obesity and general inactivity.

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