The Image of Womanhood in Ancient History and Today

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I walked into a local shop here in Denver, Paris on the platz, ad was astounded by the ea of brunette girls, all looking the same. The modern goth movement is still prevalent on the west coast of the united states. Earlier I had been in Hollywood and saw a similar phenomena. Hollywood was in the 1980s was filled with blondes, it became stereotypical. The a change came over the scene, this new darker image took over to match the dyed hair color, dark mysterious, femme fatalistic.

Many very educated and spiritually evolved women that I know, veterans of the war of equality that occurred in the states in the 1900s seem to have taken on a new persona, a new image. Instead of the Sophia image that Jung prophesied of it has become an interesting archetype unto it's own. The process of individualization, the process of self empowerment, we have empowered ourselves to the point that we have forgotten to be compassionate, nurturing and merciful. The graces of the goddess have been replaced with the protectiveness of ancient images on the masculine gods.

Now we have women that are seemingly better than their male counterparts at being male. Was that the original purpose of the equality of right between the genders? We want women to have the same opportunities as men; to not be forced into a life of kitchen duties and childrearing against their will, to have the right to make up their own mind as to who they would vote for or against, to choose how they would benefit our society as per their own intuition and prerogative. This is a fairly new venture, one that has occurred in the last hundred years in the United States.

Often it seems that we are recreate the rules, the image of womanhood is being changed into something that is n...

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...ith however might prove to be a good spokesmen for the ancient city's women. Raw and primitive still, mothers and daughters owned the land that they, with the help of their male counterparts, worked to produce the sustenance of the gods and humans. There seems to exists a difference in the leadership of Inanna's town Uruk and Nintud's town Umma. In the grand scheme of things, that was their function, Victory and Mercy. In Enki and the World Order, Enki first chooses to bring the water of the Euphrates to Nintu, as the myths [break]

"Lillith, on the other hand, symbolize Raw Female Power, the Cave Woman who couldn't be dragged by the hair, another aspect of feminine power and assertiveness in the world Inanna had to conquer by her own choices and doing. What we have here are the fears and insecurities of a young goddess in search for her womanhood and queenship."

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