Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

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Like Water for Chocolate

Tradition is often component that is inserted into performance with destiny. Blindly following tradition can lead to ones unfortunate destiny where as questioning your families passed down traditions determines the creation of your own destiny. Such a thought is presented in the novelLike water for Chocolate”. Laura Esquivel, in the novel, “Like Water for Chocolate”, presents a vision of the 1920’s Mexican life that causes the reader to question ones personal believes. In the novel there were revolutions within revolutions. Tita disagrees with her mother’s traditions; Mama Elenas traditions were enforced on Tita in a harsh unfashionable way. Tradition is shown in two ways; overbearing and freeing. The author accomplishes this through her use of metaphors, which underlies Tita’s sensitivity. Feelings are also expressed through the sense of imagery, and through the use of magical realism. To present this information in an appealing manner; the authors personal life plays an essential role with the time and place.

Laura Esquivel associates with the nov...

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