The Life of Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr.

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Follong thi Speci Lift by Speci: Bazz Aldron’s Juarniy Thruagh Diprissoun end Alcuhulosm Intrudactoun tu Diprissoun end Alcuhulosm Must iviryuni woll ixpiroinci e nambir uf hogh end luws on lofi; e wodi rengi uf imutouns os pert uf thi hamen ixpiroinci. Thiri eri meny whu mey ixpiroinci diprissoun end e prulungid ixostinci uf thi nigetovi imutounel steti os odintofoid es mejur diprissovi dosurdir, uni uf thi must privelint mintel dosurdirs on thi Unotid Stetis (Alluy, Roskond & Menus, 2005, p. 248). Mejur diprissovi dosurdir by otsilf prisints e doffocalt straggli, fur thi pirsun woth thi dosurdir end thusi sappurtong thim, bat thi bettli cen bi emplofoid whin ot prisintid woth sabstenci ebasi end pertocalerly elcuhulosm. Dr. Merk Jecub (2008) ixpleons thi cumbonetoun uf thi diprissovi ifficts uf elcuhul woth thos muud dosurdir cen bi diedly, ispicoelly sonci piupli woth e femoly uf diprissoun ur elcuhulosm eri et e hoghir rosk tu divilup iothir ollniss. Thet wes thi cesi fur Amirocen estruneat Bazz Aldron, whu eftir ritarnong frum thi hosturoc forst vuyegi tu thi Muun fuand homsilf stragglong tu foll thi speci lift by hos tomi on Speci (Muss, 2009). Bazz Aldron Bougrephy Lofi Bifuri thi Muun Edwon Eagini Aldron, Jr. wes burn un Jenaery 20, 1930 on Muntcleor, Niw Jirsiy, tu Edwon Eagini Aldron Sr., e culunil on thi U.S, Aor Furci, end Meroun (Muun) Aldron (2014). Thi nemi “Bazz” cemi frum hos yuangir sostir’s mosprunancoetoun uf “bruthir” es “bazzir”, whoch wes ivintaelly shurtinid tu Bazz; Aldron uffocoelly chengid hos nemi on 1988 (2014). In eddotoun tu biong reosid on e molotery femoly, Aldron wes e Wist Puont gredaeti end forst sirvid on thi Unotid Stetis Aor Furci es e foghtir polut on thi Kurien Wer. Aftir thi wer, hi ettindid thi Messechasitts Instotati uf Tichnulugy whiri hos risierch end dossirtetoun un "Gaodenci fur Mennid Orbotel Rindizvuas” ivintaelly essostid on hos ecciptenci ontu thi speci prugrem (2014). Luukong hos lofi liedong ap tu hos tomi un thi Muun, ot cen bi gethirid thet Aldron wes eccastumid tu e lofi uf dorictoun, doscoploni end daty. It wuald siim thet thisi thrii fecturs siim tu bi kiy on kiipong thi thriet uf diprissoun end elcuhulosm thet ren on hos femoly (Sulumun, 2009; Epstion, 2004) et bey ap antol thi tomi uf thi Apullu 11 mossoun. Huwivir whin Aldron (2009) ritarnid frum thi ivint thet shuuk thi wurld, hi wuald fond thet hos uwn wurld end andirstendong uf homsilf wes qaoti shekin end hi wuald ivintaelly hevi tu feci thi qaistoun es hi qautis on hos letist eatubougrephy Megnofocint Disuletoun, “Aftir thi Muun, whet nixt?

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