Life of Edgar Allen Poe from Immigration to Poet

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Edgar Allan Poe was alive during the period of the 1800s though the 1850s. During this period of time there was a mass movement of European Immigration to the United States (Educating About Immigration). On the Statue of Liberty, which is located in The New York Harbor which many immigrants had to pass through, the words “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” this quotation gave immigrants hope while entering the new land (Educating About Immigration). Immigrants made great contributions to the United States with the opportunities they were given. (Educating About Immigration) As many people may know Alexander Graham Bell the creator of the telephone was a Scottish immigrant (National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation). “Immigration has defined us as a nation,” (Educating About Immigration).

With this large amount of immigrants coming into the United States there were tensions between the Americans (Educating About Immigration). In 1844 there was a violent riot between the Americans and the Irish immigrants (Educating About Immigration). This riot took place in Philadelphia and was because the Americans did not like that the Irish immigrants were Catholics (Educating About Immigration).

The Americans murdered several Irish immigrants and set fire to Irish immigrants’ homes, stores, schools, and churches (Educating About

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Immigration). The riot was finally put to an end by the United States Army (Educating About Immigration).

Edgar Allan Poe’s Life

Edgar Allen Poe was born on January 19th of the year 1809 to two traveling actors (Poe’s Life). Both of his parents died within his first year of life (Poe’s Life). After his parents’ death he went to live with John Allan a...

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...n spring,” (Poe 1). When the speaker describes things about their childhood they use intense colors such as red and gold; “From the red cliff of the mountain. From the sun that ‘round me roll’d in its autumn tint of gold,” (Poe 15). When describing heaven the speaker uses cool colors the opposite in which they describes other aspects of their childhood, “When the rest of Heaven was blue,” (Poe 22). The speaker also makes

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references on how they might have had a troubled childhood. An example of this could be found in the lines: “As others were – I have not seen as others saw I could not bring my passions from a common spring,” (Poe 1). This is saying how the speaker could not find anything in common with other children their age. A storm and lightening are mentioned throughout the poem in the lines, “From the thunder and the storm--,” (Poe 22).

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