Life Experiences Contributing to my Decision to Become a Medical Doctor

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Please imagine with me the following scene. An overjoyed new father who has just learned his family is being discharged from the hospital. His wife has just given birth to their new daughter a few days before and they are now taking her home. He thinks to himself, a baby girl, how am I going to raise a baby girl? As they are loading their personal belongings into the van, he sneaks a glimpse into his wife's eyes and whispers "I love you" in her ear. Once settled into the van, he decides to ask if they can take new baby Amy to the rink and show her off. His wife responds, "Sure, I would love to." This describes the tone of the beginning years of my life. I grew up with an uncommon childhood of having a father who owned and operated a roller skating rink. This gave my five siblings and me unique opportunities, such as being employed at the rink, inline speed skating and experience in a culture separate from "normal kids," which all influenced my choice to strive towards becoming a medical doctor. Inline Speed skating is an activity that I continue to participate in today. Over 15 years of competing has taught me many lessons applicable to my future. Firstly I along with my teammates had to be dedicated to train and practice week in and week out towards our ultimate goal of competing nationally. We spent hours skating and practicing drills in hopes that one day it would pay off. We each had to be determined to push ourselves towards our personal limit and accountable to push each other further. I also learned I had to be dependable through my experience in competing in relay races. I did not want to disappoint my relay partners by not performing well. I gained wisdom through these experiences that will be useful throughout my life... ... middle of paper ... ...experience is the day I was able to observe my only nephew come into this world. Childbirth is an amazing feet of the human body and I will never forget the feelings I experienced that afternoon. The amount of medical care needed to bring a newborn into the world is immense. I was fascinated by the various aspects of healthcare during labor. This experience opened my eyes to a world of OB/GYN that I came to appreciate quickly. As I look back through my life, I am thankful that my parents brought me first to the roller rink. I believe they both encouraged and influenced my desire to become a doctor. In my heart, I know that there is nothing more important to me than to be in a position to help bring health to a helpless being. The various activities and experiences in my life have confirmed this and I look forward to continuing on this path towards a medical doctor.

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