Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

Les Misèrables was written by Victor Hugo, and published in 1862. It has been translated into many different languages, and turned into a play and movie as when as being a book. When a friend asked Hugo why he wrote the book he replied as follows, "I condemn slavery, I banish poverty, I teach ignorance, I treat disease, I lighten the night, and I hate hatred. That is what I am, and that is why I have written Les Misèrables." The book Les Misèrables tells of Hugo’s life, and of France in the early 1800’s while telling a tale of change, conflicts between classes, and justice. Hugo wanted this book to be as our government is for us, for the people by the people.

Victor Hugo was born in 1802 in Besancon, France. Hugo was a novelist, poet, political activist, and painter. It is because of this that Victor Hugo was a central figure and leader in the Romantic movement of France in the nineteenth-century. Hugo’s father was a general in the Napoleonic army. After schooling in France Hugo married his childhood lover in 1822. The 1840’s were a time of political involvement for Victor Hugo. Themes that show up in Les Misèrables such as the unjust legal system and unfairness to the poor were issues that he spoke up on at the Chamber of Peers. In 1848 he was active in the revolution, which gave him first had experience of the fighting at the barricades which he talks about in Les Misèrables, and spoke out against Louis Napoleon when he came into power. For speaking out against Napoleon Hugo was exiled to Belgium and then Germany, during which he wrote Les Misèrables. This book ensured Victor Hugo’s place as legend, and when he returned to France in 1870 he was greeted with a hero’s welcome. (Nove...

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... her. Another injustice throughout the entire book is Javert’s relentless pursuit of Valjean, Jean Valjean even says to him, "Why do you still bother me, I am a changed man. I work for the betterment of people now. Just leave me alone." (Hugo) This injustice is made right at the end of the book when Javert has Valjean in his hands and then lets him go. Javert ends up killing himself over the grief of not following the law, and going against everything he always stood for.

Les Miserables has had great success in its 139 years. The success started the day it was published because it is a book written about the people by a man that the people respect. It is not only the people that respect him; other authors respect him because he was a leader of the Romantic Movement. This book will always be a classic because the struggles in the book will always exist.

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