The Legend of Hua Mulan

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The legend states that Hua Mulan lived during the Northern Wei dynasty. She is a mythical figure from ancient China portrayed in the Chinese poem, Ballad of Mulan. Though both princess warrior show and movie, The Legend of Hua Mulan and Disney’s Mulan have different character personalities and reasons of going to war. The Legend of Hua Mulan is straightforward and seeks to depict Mulan as a warrior. Disney’s Mulan, however, depicts Mulan as trying to prove her parents wrong and bring home a man as in all Disney movies. This shows that Hua Mulan is a better role to girls that Disney’s Mulan.
As The Legend of Hua Mulan depicts a girl going to war in place of her father, the Disney Mulan introduces Mulan as a disappointment to the parents, and she therefore tries to prove herself; this makes Disney’s Mulan slightly weaker in her personality. As seen in the Disney’s Mulan, the character of Mulan is shown as one who is outspoken and forward thinking. The viewers are therefore able to tell she does not have a clue of how to present herself in medieval Chinese society. On the contrary, The Legend of Hua Mulan is skilled at martial arts and sword fighting; she has a manlier character. Since Mulan is seen as a disappointment to her parents, she tries to redeem herself by taking part in the war. Having never left the village before, Mulan has no idea of combat and how weapons work. This means that Mulan has less knowledge of fighting, and she is not going to war to help her society. Wei Mulan has the “smarts” and skills to fight in combat. All of her training in martial arts, sword fighting, and archery give her the skills she needs to do well in combat. She is going to war as a “filial duty.” In addition, as both texts have to present Mula...

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...fights to redeem herself and to bring back a prince. Wei Mulan is comfortable as a person and the role she plays in society. This shows that she has a genuine reason for taking the place her father in fighting for her country. Instead, Disney’s Mulan is restrained by her confining society. This shows that both Mulans have a different role in society. Also, Wei’s play portrays Mulan to express that everyone has a duty to serve within a particular family or country. This means Wei Mulan knows what is important to her; she knows her values. Finally, Wei Mulan represents a hero who knows that doing what is right for the family is important. Wei Mulan knew her father would be unable to fight, and she took the responsibility upon herself to keep her family in suitable conditions. This means that Disney Mulan was going to war just to show her parents that she is capable.

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