Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana 2 While it seems that numbers are steadily increasing, to legalize marijuana, there are still many states who have yet to legalize the use of medical marijuana. Many of the public feel that, due to the recent legalization of medical marijuana, the U.S. is a step closer to legalization marijuana for use by the general public. Choosing to legalize marijuana for the general public will cause an increase in users and put users health at risk, both mentally and physically. In 1937, a legislation was passed, the marijuana tax act, giving the government control over the drug which made it illegal. Twenty years later, harsher laws with mandatory sentences for any drug convictions were put in place. A movement in the 1970’s reevaluated the status of marijuana and in turn led to lighter sentences, in most states, for those caught with a small amount of the drug.(Drug Legalization, 2010). In 1996 California was the first state to legalize the use of the drug for medical purpose only. (California leads again) Personal use of marijuana is still illegal across the entire country and should stay that way due to the effects on your health and personal life. There was and experiment done in Alaska in 1970, legalizing marijuana, which ended with their teens using marijuana at more than twice the rate than any other teen across the U.S. In 1990, Alaskan residents voted to re-criminalize marijuana use. ( The public needs to be made aware of the studies that have been done, dealing with the consequences of the legalization of marijuana. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, studied 6,000 teenage drivers who drove more than six times a month after smoking marijuana. It was found that they were two and a half t... ... middle of paper ... ... crisis, the federal government stood back as the states relaxed Prohibition, until the 21st amendment officially ended it.” We can no longer put money before health. We have to protect our children from having the legal option to become lazy, unproductive, and unhealthy. Legalizing marijuana would be a very big mistake, that would produce a epidemic which I think the people of United States is not ready for. References (2006, Dec.) Drug Legalization Issues & Controversies On File. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Issues & Controversies database (2010). Joint effort; Legalizing marijuana. The Economist(US),42EU. Retrieved April 9, 2010, General OneFile.gale group database Marijuana Facts (Pot, Weed) Retrieved April 10, 2010 from www.abovethe Speaking out against drug legalization May 2003

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