Lee Smith's novel On Agate Hill

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Lee Smiths novel On Agate Hill

Mariah Snow wrote, “We lose our names as we lose our youth, our beauty and our lives” (163). This quote from Lee Smiths novel On Agate Hill says a lot about Mariah and her own life. She had always been treated like a ‘second citizen’, as most women were in that time period, being that men held the power of most relationships, as well as in society in general, Mariah felt as though she had been pushed around a lot but could not even speak up. When women get married, they give up their last name, almost symbolizing that their individuality is completely gone. In Mariah’s case, once she got married to Dr. Snow, she lost her name; once she had babies she lost her youth; and she did not feel beautiful anymore because life’s stresses were taking toll, and she really did not love herself much at all.

Mariah gave up her ability to make decisions on her own. Mariah did not wish for Molly to attend Gatewood Academy but Dr. Snow made the choice for her. “But now – NOW, how dare he call me the Headmistress yet refuse to allow me the right of participation in even such a basic decision as this one? Truly I am his Servant, NOT his Partner, whether he owns it or not. Basically Dr. Snow does nothing but read, while I work my fingers to the bone, yet have Nothing to say on any topic, him determining all according to his whim though he understands nothing, I repeat NOTHING about the administration of this Academy or anything else” (147). She also gave up the right to name her own child and let her husband name her after someone she did not even remotely like. “…I will name her Susannah in hopes she will have a happier Spirit and a Lighter Heart than her mother … At last Dr. Snow has come to see the child, he has named her Frances Theodosia, for his Mother, whom I Hated with all my being”(163). She expressed remorse at having a girl saying “I confess my sorrow at having a girl, for I know how she will struggle in this world. The burdens of our sex are heavy” (163).

She also gave up the right she has to her own body, unable to control when, where, or how often sex acts are to be preformed.

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