Sixteen-Year-Old Working Class In The 1983's Educating Rita

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Compiling past learning experiences, requesting official transcripts, completing the application process, and receiving the letter of acceptance brought great excitement and anticipation but with it anxiety. Returning to college to complete a degree in my later age is significantly more challenging than acquiring my education earlier in life; however, it is unfinished business long overdue. This is an important investment and decision that impacts my family and me. I identified with the challenges and transformation portrayed in the 1983 movie Educating Rita, Rita is a 26-year-old working class hairdresser with a longtime burning desire to improve her social status, discover herself, and empower her life options through education.
Early …show more content…

Although the quality of Rita’s academic work is unequaled to her classmates she demonstrates growing confidence through mastery experience, vicarious learning, and social persuasion. Her academic accomplishments, exposure to theater, and invitation to Prof Frank’s home create an inner conflict as she approaches a crossroads of social development and her former working class environment. She calls herself a “half-caste” describing her disconnects from a former life of drinking and singing at the pub, and not fitting in with the well cultured upper class. Rita states, “I’m unable to talk to the people I live with anymore or to the likes of them at your house.” “Developmental teachers encourage the learner to express their negative feelings and allow them some leeway in terms of behaviour [sic].” (Brundage and MacKeracher, 1981). Prof Frank demonstrates his effort to reduce stress by accommodating Rita’s expressed sense of not fitting in. Although Prof Frank supports Rita’s desire and enthusiasm to become educated, he addresses her with concern that her quest for education may compromise her uniqueness. Prof Frank states, “What does it profit a man if he gaineth the whole of literature and loseth his soul?” Rita’s gained confidence is awkward and cocky with her abrupt statement to Prof Frank, “What you can’t bear is that I’m educated now! I can do it without you.” Prof Frank’s responds to Rita’s misdirected independence, “Have you found a better song to sing? …show more content…

Determined and focused to overcome her obstacles, Rita matures into a confident and functional learner. Her assignments are comparable to her scholarly classmates. Rita gains respect of instructors and students as she actively and intellectually participates in one-on-one, group, and class discussions. Beyond the campus Rita finds friendship with an admired and cultured roommate and takes on a persona mimicking the upper class environment. Rita goes to summer school in London and returns unlike her former self, unrecognizable as the working class hairdresser. Rita seeks the company of her classmates as she engages in scholarly dialogue and appreciation for classical music and the

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