Leadership in the Medical Field

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Molecular and Microbiology. Many people hear the major and shudder; thoughts of sleepless nights, studying for courses unintelligible by the ‘average’ person, mad scientists hunched over test tubes and doctors doing open heart surgery. Research science and medicine, that’s what my major is geared towards, and I’m pursuing the medicine side of it all. Maybe I’ll be that open heart surgeon that comes to mind, or maybe just a family practitioner, either way, I want more than anything to be a doctor, a great doctor, and while my M&M degree is the first step in making that happen, I’d have to say that being a Lead Scholar is the second. Many people may not see the medical profession as one that requires being a leader to others, as you make your own decisions and people feel that you work on your own. You consult patients, help them with their problems, you work on each one on your own. If there is any involvement with any other health professional, people think it’s more like a team, with little to no individual leadership. They’re wrong, and right. Being a doctor is being a part of a team, and being a part of a team¬ does take personal leadership.

Leadership in the medical field is vastly overlooked. Many people view leadership in medicine as a rise in ranks, in positions of power within a hospital or organization. They look at it as personal gain, a title, and less like a chance to actually lead anything, to actually impact anything. Since taking these leadership course, I’ve come to view leadership in the medical field more like the model I recently learned about, Komives’ and Wagner’s Social Change Model of Leadership. In their book Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, ...

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Source of Reference

Komives, Susan R., and Wendy Wagner. Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2009. Print.

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