Leadership and Corruption in Nigeria

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Leadership has always been one of the best factors to consider when determining the goal of a society or a community, it does not matter how big or small a community might be; it has to have a leader if it wants to be developed and harmonized (Ushakov). Leadership has always played a big role in the developing countries, or anywhere in the world. It is very difficult to find a society whether in an urban areas or rural areas functioning without a leader.

Leadership has been defined generally as how a single person takes responsibility of directing a community towards a common goal (Ushakov 2). Of course it has so many types, or styles rather. Different people lead in so many different ways, the matter of it being advantageous (benefits the society) or disadvantageous (deteriorates the society) depends on the visions and agendas set forward by the leader. Some leaders tend to use force in trying to get their objectives done, for example, Alexander the great, the king of Macedonia; while some leaders use their charismatic abilities to influence people to achieve success in their goals, for example, Mahatma Ghandi.

Corruption on the other hand is always a bad move in any society. It does not have any importance in a community. It brings lack of trust, lack of unity, selfishness, and reduces the standards of the society. By general definition of corruption, it always means dishonesty and an act that involves bribery (Stevenson). The higher the corruption of a society, the more the problems of that society clump together until it reaches a major point. Once corruption starts, it eats away the society bit by bit and it keeps on getting bigger and bigger in the society if not stopp...

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...f allowing a single mistake that could replicate the conditions of the past. Everybody must be treated equally.

Works Cited

Anazodo Rosemary, Okoye J.C, and Ezenwile Uche. “LEADERSHIP-CORRUPTION: THE BANE OF NIGERIA DEVELOPMENT.” African Journal of Social Sciences (2012): 11.

Ebegbulem, Joseph. “Corruption and Leadership Crisis in Africa: Nigeria in Focus.” International Journal of Business and Social Science (2012): 7.

Emma, Chukwuemeka. “Curbing Corruption in Nigeria: The Imperatives of Good Leadership.” An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Ethiopia (2012): 20.

Oluwole Owoye, Nicole Bissessar. “Bad Governance and Corruption in Africa:.” (n.d.): 30.

Stevenson, Angus. Oxford Dictionaries. 2010. 12 April 2014 .

Ushakov, Pavel. “Ethics and Leadership (part 2).” Yola, 9 April 2014.

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