Late Adulthood or Old Age

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Late adulthood or “old age” begins around age 65. People 65 and over are the most rapidly growing age group in the USA. According to developmental theorist Erik Erikson late adulthood is the time of the conflict he called “ego integrity versus despair” when a person looks back at their life and they are either satisfied with the course they ran or are full of regret about the past. He suggested that it is important to find satisfaction and meaning during these years instead of becoming bitter and disillusioned. Despite the physical challenges and other health problems associated with aging, growing old is not something that is necessarily equal to mental and physical regression. Many older people are happy and engaged in a variety of activities. While in many cultures elders are respected and highly regarded, in our culture in the US aging is viewed as a negative occurrence. Older people have to deal with the prejudice that`s called ageism, which is a discrimination that is based on a person`s age. Although it can be used against any age group, older people are most often targeted and stereotyped. There is a gradual physical decline after people reach their peak in their twenties. In later adulthood a variety of physiological changes occur such as changes in the efficiency of the circulatory and respiratory system, changes in the gastrointestinal system that lead to constipation, diminished bone density, weaker muscles, deficits of hearing and vision just to mention a few. Although older people will experience deterioration and physical changes, most of the elderly are reasonably healthy. Even though people may have certain chronic conditions in most cases they are not serious enough to interfere with daily activities. Keeping physically active and following a healthy lifestyle is especially important. Research shows that physical activity is associated with a lower mortality rate. Therefore exercise and diet are a crucial part of staying healthy. Following an exercise programs can help retaining physical health. Eating right and staying fit can improve quality of life. As the body ages it`s nutritional needs change. Older people need more vitamin D and calcium to maintain bone health. Increased intake of protein helps maintain muscle mass. Also important are fiber, vitamin B12 and potassium. Foods low in cholesterol, saturated and trans-fats help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Cognitive and neurological changes occur in late adulthood such as the decline of the working memory or short-term memory as well as decline in perceptual and response speed.

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