King Lear by William Shakespeare

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In King Lear the society and the control of his land made me go to the approach of Marxist.
This means and involves the over scan of society and control of it. King Lear is starting to doubt his kingdom and his land because he feels like he is too old to be in charge and cannot really deal with the requirement anymore. He takes some time to think on what he should do and decides to give his land away to one of his beautiful daughters.
Lear is very optimistic on which one of his daughters should take the kingdom. Therefore, he asks each one of his daughters to plea there love to him. Reagan and Goneril lie, while Cordelia does not really feel that is the right way, so she denies him and is expelled from the kingdom. So Reagan and Goneril inherit the kingdom.
Now I think Edmund got pissed off and he wanted the power. So Edmund made a plan to rule against his father to have power. He even plotted to make Edgar his brother look like the bad guy. So now both families were having their own plot against them. They just want the power while their parents want the best for the people. They t...

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