Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner

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The book is consisting of three main characters, Amir, Hassan, and Baba. Amir who was born into a rich family and had everything handed to him, Hassan who is a friend of Amir but was born into a poor family. Baba who was the father of Amir but was disappointed in Amir and on and blamed him for his mother’s death. Baba has a problem with Amir being too soft because he allowed the other children in the area to pick on him and he will not fight back. In the book it shows the bond that Amir has with Hassan when they were growing up. The book was centered on the both Amir and Hassan childhood and the stuff their did while growing up and how they relationship changed because Amir has to move to America because of issues in Afghanistan. But after 20-25 years of living apart Amir received a call from his father’s friend that would bring Amir back to his home town to help his friend out of some trouble he got himself into. On return to his home country Amir found out that Hassan is dead and apart from him being dead Hassan is also his half brother that left behind son behind. Amir seeks out to find his nephew to bring him back to America with him.
The kite runner is basically outlining some of the key concepts of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, although some of those needs are outlined in the book there are also some other important psychological concepts outlined in the book as you read on and learn about the characters in the book and their relationship with each other. The book has a great deal of motivation based on Amir passion for writing after discovering his love for writing. Motivation according to (Deckers, 2010) is a person’s internal disposition to be concerned with an approach to positive incentives and avoid negative incentiv...

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...ther did not believe in his passion for writing at the end he still pursued his dream of becoming a writer. This was achievable because he was supported by some of the important people in his life for exam his fathers friend and his wife. Because if this he was able to identify exactly who he was as a person and this also helped him come to terms with the fact that Hassan was actually his brother and he was able to take care of Hassan’s son.
Maslow’s self actualization theory states that self actualized people has a sense of realism, often motivated by a strong sense of personal ethics and responsibility, characterized by having frequent peak experiences, does not conform to other people's ideas of happiness or contentment, value their privacy and enjoy solitude, generally have a thoughtful sense of humor, and a tendency to be open, unconventional and spontaneous.

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