3 Key Issues that Affect Educational Outcomes for Indigenous Australians

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The curriculum in Australian schools is a highly contentious and political issue. For remote indigenous communities this is even more so. School curriculums in Australia are western culturally based and thus this effects the learning capabilities of indigenous students in remote communities. “Most indigenous Australians living in the Northern Territory want their children to go to school and get an education. They also want their children to learn the ways of their ancestors, to be strong in the knowledge of their indigenous laws and beliefs.”(Linkson, M. 1999, pp. 41-48) School curriculums are for the majority of students, which in Australia is mainly western. The cultural bias in our school curriculums is inextricably linked to the progress of the western civilization and thus rarely takes into account any other cultures. Students of indigenous background often have to cross between cultural confines of school and home. “The role of schools reflect embedded cultural attitudes, expectations and representations about indigenous people.” (Tess Lea, Aggie Wegner, Eva McRae-Williams, Richard Chenhall & Catherine Holmes 2011, pp 265-280) Many remote schools curriculums are principally prejudiced to western cultures and thus have a negative impact on the indigenous students, and thus will consequently affects their level of academic achievement.

Indigenous Australians students cannot possibly learn a non-indigenous curriculum without being aggravated by the western culture taught within. “From the day they begin their formal schooling, Aboriginal children have to confront another world. This is a world in which their own values and culture are denied, their language and communication strategies are challenged and their identity and se...

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Richard J. Reynolds (2005) The Education of Indigenous Australian Students: Same Story, Different Hemisphere, Multicultural Perspectives, 7:2, 48-55.

Tess Lea , Aggie Wegner , Eva McRae-Williams , Richard Chenhall & Catherine Holmes (2011) Problematising school space for Indigenous education: teachers’ and parents’ perspectives, Ethnography and Education, 6:3, 265-280.

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