Juveniles in Adult Facilities: History of the Juvinile Justice System

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Introduction In 1899, the juvenile justice court system began in the United States in the state of Illinois. The focus was intended to improve the welfare and rehabilitation of youth incarcerated in juvenile justice system. The court mainly was focused on the rehabilitation of the youths rather than punishing them being that they still have immature ways and still growing. Specialized detention centers, youth centers, and training schools were created to treat delinquent youth apart from adult offenders in adult facilities. “Of these, approximately 14,500 are housed in adult facilities. The largest proportion, approximately 9,100 youth, are housed in local jails, and some 5,400 youth are housed in adult prisons” (Austin, 2000). The quagmire of placing juveniles in adult facilities is the risk factors juveniles may experience while incarcerated. Being that juveniles are young and smaller to the adult offenders, they may be seen as a prey or easy target for rape, assault, mental issues which eventually leads to suicide. We must keep in mind that juveniles are youth meaning they are still a child, not an adult and should not be exposed to adult incarceration environment. Although it is cost saving to place juveniles and adults under one facility, it is unethical because they are not built and yet mentally ready and prepared to experience adult facilities. Alternative strategies are available to assist juvenile detainees such as healthcare, education, recreation, and work experience. The Juvenile Court Act of 1899 gave leniency to youth under the age of 16. Placing youth detainees with adult offenders will result in the reduction of rehabilitation services for youth, while increasing the rate of being a victim as a potential prey o... ... middle of paper ... ...the national incidence of juvenile suicide in adult jails, lockups, and juvenile detention centers. National Criminal JusticeReference Service. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/73555NCJRS.pdf COLLOCATION OF JUVENILE AND ADULT FACILITIES. (2005). Journal for Juvenile Justice Services, 20(2), 9-10. http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy121.nclive.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=4&sid=f d377b14-7400-4d97-b4ab-0b2b13f5514a%40sessionmgr4004&hid=4210 Godinez, S. A. (1999). Managing Juveniles in Adult Facilities. Corrections Today, 61(2), 86. http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy121.nclive.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=4&sid=f d377b14-7400-4d97-b4ab-0b2b13f5514a%40sessionmgr4004&hid=4210# Wood, A. (2012). CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT: CONFINING JUVENILES WITH ADULTS AFTER GRAHAM AND MILLER. Emory Law Journal, 61(6), 1445- 1491

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