Trauma and Recovery

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Herman explains that the core experiences of psychological trauma are the disempowerment and disconnection from others. Recovery is then based on empowering and the creating of new connections with others (Herman, 1997). Herman states “recovery can take place only within the context of relationships; it cannot occur in isolation” (pg.133). This is all talked about in regards to Herman’s healing relationship. A condition that Herman speaks about is developing a therapy contract. This contract speaks to the alliance between the therapist and client. This gives responsibility to both parties. This can be where the therapist sets their ground rules for therapy such as truth telling, boundaries, and full disclosure. A therapy contract can set the groundwork for trust in this working relationship (Herman, 1997). Herman has developed stages in trauma treatment that she believes are key to help the trauma survivor move on in their life. Safety is the first stage that Herman introduces. Within this stage naming the problem is the first step. This means properly diagnosing the problem using a thorough and informed diagnostic evaluation. Providing information about symptoms is important because the trauma survivor may not recognize their somatic symptoms are actually related to the trauma. The next step within safety is restoring control. Herman states how it is important to establish the survivor’s safety and restore power and control within the survivor. Helping the survivor have control over their body and then gradually to control over their environment. The last step to safety is establishing a safe environment. This can mean being aware of ongoing abusive relationships, being aware of self-harming behaviors, and being aware of suppo... ... middle of paper ... ... for the survivor to put the trauma experience into context. The need for stages is because we cannot as clinicians just treat the symptoms of a trauma. Herman talks about symptoms of trauma throughout the entire book and there is not one thing that can treat all the symptoms. This is why PTSD should be considered on a spectrum because there is not just one treatment for PTSD. Trauma is so deep and personal in the survivor that just treating the symptoms will not help the survivor recognize and reconstruct their trauma into a testimony. Herman mentions in the second stage that developing a narrative of the trauma and then helping the survivor recognize that they can use that has their testimony. It helps them put dignity into the trauma and take out the shame and embarrassment. Trauma encompasses the mind and body. As clinicians, we need to be able to treat both.

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