The Journey of Food Through the Body

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The Journey of Food Through the Body

Ever wondered how your body miraculously turn your food into nutrients and energy that your body can use? Here are step by step process on how our human body digest, or turn food into useful nutrients our body could use.

Step 1: Mouth

Digestion takes place right after your first bite of food. Chewing breaks up the food to aid the digestion process. The food then mixes with saliva to help go down the Esophagus, as well as break down the food.

Step 2: The Esophagus

The esophagus is a tube that connects your throat to your stomach. As food enters the esophagus, salivary glands releases saliva to make it easier for food to travel through. It uses contractions, called peristalsis, to transport food to your stomach. A high pressure exists in the connection of the stomach. This is to prevent the food from going back into your esophagus.

Step 3: The Stomach

Stomach is used to hold food and at the same time, mixes and grinds the food you’ve eaten. The walls of the stomach are muscular and contracts to further break down the food. The st...

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