Job Redesign And Workplace Rewards Assessment

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Job Redesign and Workplace Rewards Assessment Organizations face massive challenges in attracting and retaining a high-quality and productive workforce. Companies are continually looking for new ways to keep their employees satisfied at all levels in order to harness greater productivity and ideas from people while keeping them motivated and happy. One real challenge examined earlier is the need to transform General Motors to be a much more productive and fully utilized organization by examining the hourly workforce. This is a great change from the traditional "us versus them" mentality of the past between management and the union. Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied and the understanding of each has led to great changes in how organizations run their businesses. It is clear that hourly employees have many great extrinsic motivators but lack intrinsic motivation in their job assignments which is a characteristic of our work culture. Changing the culture is one of the keys to improving motivation at that level of the organization because the best motivation occurs when employees perform because they want to and not because they are being made to do so. Basics of Motivation for Supervisors There are many kinds of motivation techniques that one can use when motivating salary and to a lesser extent hourly employees. Factors such as strong communication, added responsibility, achievement, recognition and advancement are all factors that can motivate employees. Due to the union environment it is difficult to motivate hourly employees but what always works well is providing recognition. Sometimes that is done by just thanking employees for doing an outstanding job or giving them gift certificates to a store or restaurant for a job well done. Just spending time with each employee occasionally, keeping in mind the things that go on in their lives and listening to them goes a very long way towards keeping hourly workers motivated. Over the years I have sat down with many employees and listened to their issues at home with their families and sometimes major issues they are having with their children. This time has often led to employees being more dedicated to my objectives as well as the organization's objectives. General Motors – GMS Recently we have recognized the need to utilize our hourly workforce more effectively which works to address the need to intrinsically motivate the hourly workforce. This has been achieved just recently by negotiating some ground-breaking agreements with the union that will change the way we do business.

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