Jean Jacques Rousseau And The Idea Of Civil Disobedience

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Biography: Jean Jacques Rousseau, a Swiss-born philosopher, and author. He was born on June 28th, 1712 to Isaac Rousseau and Suzanne Bernard. His childhood was not easy, his mother passed away several days after his birth due to complications, his only brother ran away from home when he was a small child, and his father left because he wanted to avoid imprisonment. Jean was forced to stay with his uncle alone, and he faced many issues there as well. He knew that he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in poverty, so with a strong work ethic and determination he sent in an essay and got accepted to an academy where his work was acknowledged. Jean spent a lot of time with his writing because it was something that he enjoyed and found peace …show more content…

Civil disobedience is peacefully opposing a law or ruler in a protest. Since these protests are peaceful, this means that the citizens taking part in them are naturally good, which defines natural law. Jean also believes in positive law which states that justice and law have no correlation, and one can not be the result of the other. Thus, he thinks that laws must be created with a purpose to serve justice. Jean Jacques Rousseau wants everyone to be happy with the laws that are implemented. If a protest is specifically targeting one group of people, then he would not support that. If it was a topic that affects all citizens, such as taxes, he would gladly support that and make sure that a solution was found. As a believer of natural law, Rousseau adheres to public protests if it guarantees the greater good of the citizens. For example, if taxes are too high for the citizens, Jean would support this because through a life of poverty he understands the difficulty in paying taxes. He would either suggest to implement taxes that everyone is able to pay successfully or suggest that the tax prices be lowered to make them affordable to everyone. He may suggest the idea that the upper class pays more taxes because they possess more money and that the lower classes pay fewer taxes since they have less money to spend. Therefore, one can see that Rousseau would support civil disobedience to ensure that everyone is treated equally and that everyone is content with the decisions that are being

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