Japanese Media

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Japanese Media

All across the world the influence of modern media is changing people’s lives and Japanese society is no different. Media can influence the way people think, feel and act. As technology becomes more advanced and accessibility of various media sources becomes easier for everyone, the influences of advertising, radio, TV and the movies continue to make a greater impact on society. The Japanese are consider to be leaders in all forms of technology as for this reason people across the world look to them to set trends and lead the way in the future of the media.

Advertising and Transportation

The PASMO card is a pre-paid smart card use to pay for public transportation in Japan. According to the Japanese Department of Ministry there were nearly 11 Million PASMO cards in circulation in Japan in 2008 (Dept of Ministry, p4, 2009.). These cards are used to travel on any of Japan’s subway, train and bus systems. With the volume of people using the various forms of public transportation, the exposure for advertisers is immense. For this reason, many media outlets use public transportation as a primary source of advertising.

Within the metropolitan areas of Japan, as in the United States, the subway systems are a highly used form of transportation that allows travelers to get around to various areas of the city quickly and relatively inexpensively. Since millions of people, both locals and tourist, subway trains are a perfect place for advertisers to give their products the most exposure as possible. Advertisers place their ads on posters inside the train cars on small overhead poster banks as well as posters on doors and railings. They also create stick on advertisements that are put on the seats of the cars.


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...hand printing to block wood printing to current day technologies used to mass produce books, magazines and newspapers.

Children’s books are especially popular in Japan. Books for children cover a wide variety of subjects including many about trains. A popular series of children’s books that feature the adventures of a young brother and sister. The explore the children’s adventures as they explore the city using trains and buses In the series the children learn how to navigate around their city to run errands for their elderly grandmother. The books teach children the importance of responsibility and awareness.

Works Cited

Ministry of Environment, Japan (February 2009): Efforts for Environmentally Sustainable Transport in Japan. Retrieved [from http://www.uncrd.or.jp/env/4th-regional-est-forum/Presentations/11_BS3_Japan.pdf


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