Japanese Invasion on Changkufeng Hill

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Japanese Invasion on Changkufeng Hill

Before 1938 Changkufeng Hill was on the border between big countries: Soviet Union and Korea. Manchuria was not an independent state, however; it was involve with the incident. The Soviet Union and Japan were not on good terms. The Soviets believed that Changkufeng Hill was an opportunity to spread westernization by building railways, and making more connections in Northeast Asia. Korea and Japan teamed together to stop the Soviets from taking Changkufeng Hill. The Changkufeng War of 1938 conflicted between the powers of the Soviets and Japan that wanted the territory for their advantages. The conflict between Colonel Sato Kotoku, commander of the 75th Infantry Regiment and the higher authorities, Imperial Headquarters (IGHQ), had a different suggestion that pertains to solving the issue of Changkufeng. Japan invades Changkufeng Hill by preventing Manchuria, Korea, and Soviet Union from border violations against the Imperial General Headquarters (IGHQ).
The Chinese and Russians military maps were drawn differently as of the Khanka agreement 1861. In 1886, the Chinese military map of Changkufeng Hill re-drew the border line closer to the “red line” and the Russo-Chinese established new agreements as of 1860-1861. However, in June 1981, further border agreements were overwritten by eight different time line. Many border pacts were made by the Ching Dynasty and tsardom, such as the 15th-article convention of Peking. The most important treaties or pacts that were mainly involved of the Changkufeng boundary issue are the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk of 1689, Tientsin Treaties 1860, and Eight-article Hunchun Border Protocol of 1886. The Hunchun Protocol was a government that dealt in politica...

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... the state.
The Changkufeng Incident was an incident to prove that Japanese are cooperative and understandable to help by invading states personal territory. Changkufeng is important to international relations because international relations theory has proven that the Changkufeng incident is contributed by dealing with powers being taken away by other states showing us specific reasons as to understand Japan actions in the 1930’s. Although, Changkufeng incident may have some positive and negative aspect as to know how difficult it is to express and navigate without power. However, Changkufeng is not a progress or change during the battle or before the Changkufeng incident, it is only dealt through the government or higher authorities only. Changkufeng incident is an important piece to make connections and understand the conflict by finding solutions for peace.

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