James Norrington Fanfiction

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James was born in Great Britain to Lawrence and Mariah Norrington. He came from a long line of military men and it was expected for him to follow with the family plan. James was an only child therefore all his parents attention was deflected on him. Lawrence was a task driven and very rigid, conservative man. Mariah was a very strong willed proper woman of society with a sharp tongue. His father raised him as his father before him in a very strict and harsh manner to live up to the family name and his full potential. At an early age James displayed vast leadership skills and excellence in academics. He didn't make many friends as a child. It was typical of children in his situation. His family would travel as his father's assignments called for it.

James was left to his own devices when it came to occupying and entertaining himself. He matured quickly being around elder company most of his life. His parents also didn't favor childish behavior in most contexts. When it came to matters of the heart neither one left James the impression that he was liked or cherished by them, especially his father. James couldn't disappoint the man. Whenever he had it was like being stabbed through his heart. A pain he'd learned to carry but never fully healed. He loved and admired the man who raised him, as he did his mother. His deepest desire growing up was to become the man they could love without condition and still be proud of him.

As he grew he became much like his father in his career. He joined the Navy and worked his way up the ranks. He left a lasting impression on his superior officers. After his father's death, which was shortly followed by his mother's, he was asked to escort Govenor Swann to Port Royal in the Caribbean. It was t...

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...pression he would follow. She knew it was a lie and still tried to convince him come along. His main concern was that she was safe. This wasn't going to redeem him of the horrible acts he'd been apart of recently. One good deed was not enough to redeem the path he had chosen. He knew it was only going to end badly for him after making that decision but at that point he didn't care. He couldn't be an admiral when he knew in his heart it was all a lie. Before she left he gave her a kiss. It was the first and last he'd shared with her. James shot the rope leading to Elizabeth's ship was when he was stabbed by a deranged Bootstrap Bill Turner. As he felt the life leaving his body Davy Jones offered a deal to serve him, or die then. He replied to the sea-devil by stabbing him with the cutlass, a sign of his honor. Rejecting evil he entered into rest with his soul clean.

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