Rousseau Social Contract

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Jean- Jacques Rousseau’s “The Social Contract” was published in 1762 and caused much controversy in France during the French Revolution. Rousseau was a famous philosophical thinker during the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century. Due to his time period it is said the Rousseau is an Enlightenment Thinker; however, some of his ideas do not align with that of an Enlightenment Thinker. Rousseau was the kind of philosopher who applied philosophical reasoning to ethics and politics, and one approach to that was describing human beings when they are in a natural state. Rousseau was influenced by the modern natural law tradition which wanted to answer the challenge of skepticism, but through a systematic approach to human nature. The main purpose …show more content…

The French Revolution was a time where French citizens redesigned their country’s political landscape and escaped century old traditions, such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system. It was influenced by many Enlightenment ideas like the ones presented in Rousseau’s Social Contract and mainly focused on concepts like popular sovereignty and inalienable rights. Due to France’s involvement in The American Revolution and King Louis XVI excessive spending the country was left in bankruptcy. This started a depression among citizens and resentment toward rulers who imposed heavy taxes. The people wanted equal representation and voting by head and not by status. The debate over the voting process had caused aggression between the three orders. A popular rebellion occurred when rioters stormed the Bastille fortress in order to secure gunpowder and weapons, and this event is known as the spark of the French Revolution. Peasants were burning down the homes of tax collectors, landlords, and seigniorial elite. The assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man ad of the Citizen, which was a statement of democratic principles based on the philosophical and political ideas of Enlightenment Thinkers like Rousseau. The document declared the Assembly’s pledge to have a system based on equal opportunity, freedom of speech, popular sovereignty, and …show more content…

Rousseau is trying to identify that even though as human beings we are born free the way that the government controls us it is as if people are in chains. Which is the primary focus of Rousseau creating this work to display a society where people be free. This book is aimed to determine whether or not a state can exist that upholds citizens rather than constrain liberty. He rejects the idea that political authority is found in nature and that the only natural form of authority is that between a father and a child. He compares the authority of a father and a child to a ruler and the people or subjects, which in his opinion is the only natural form of authority. Legitimate political authority rests on a Social Contract that is forged between members of society meaning that each person must surrender themselves to each other as a whole community in order to acquire freedom. This is what the main idea of the Social Contract and is how the perfect Utopian society can be achieved. He also goes on to speak about Nature versus Civil Society and how although we would lose the physical ability of being able to follow our instincts freely and do what we please with natural society. With civil society we gain the civil liberty that places the limits of reason and the general will on our behavior, which will render us moral. Which

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