It's Time to Restrict Unemployment Benefits

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Many things in life are often taken for granted. People often use such things without ever appreciating the privilege. When a government service becomes abused by a person, they don’t think of the money being paid by tax payers to make that public service possible. Our government does a decent job of providing public services that Americans often use. A few examples are public transportation, public bathrooms, and unemployment payments. I believe unemployment payments should provide limited benefits and restrictions towards often offenders.

First of all, let me explain why unemployment is good, and why it shouldn’t be abolished. Unemployment is a great benefit for adults that are moving from job to job. Everyone, at some time of their lives, gets fired or laid off for different reasons, whether economic or personal. Finding a job often becomes difficult even for the most qualified persons. Many adults have children or a spouse to provide for and without a job that becomes very difficult. With unemployment that person can receive money from the government until he/she finds a job. Unemployment isn’t much but helps when money is tight.

Aside from the positive things unemployment provides, there are things wrong with the government’s unemployment program. People often abuse the unemployment system. The money that establishes unemployment comes from everyday people who pay taxes. The program can become abused by people showing the government they are “looking” for a job, when really all they do is sit around and be lazy. I am not saying everyone does this; there are people out there that are using unemployment because they have no choice. But often enough, people misuse unemployment by not trying to get a job and...

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...fits for a year is quite crazy. Considering most adults, ages 24 and older, have college level education. A college freshman has a harder time trying to support themselves in college, having little if any experience, other than a high school education or a GED.

I believe the state of Kansas could in fact, pass a law granting benefits to college students. Of course, I am not expecting the benefits to be equal of adults because most are responsible for a spouse and children. This could be implemented if the Department of Labor were to allow adults to be on unemployment for nine months out of the year with a resting period of one month between each three month period of benefits. This would cut three months of funds out of the unemployment funds and put those funds toward helping college students. It would be like a college level based welfare offered by the state.

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