Issues with the Idea of National ID Cards

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The debate regarding the national id cards centers around a few key issues such as: its potential effectiveness of catching terrorists and apprehending criminals, reliability of this system , the financial costs of implementing this new program, and lastly, it would infringe on our personal privacy rights. You are essentially being monitored by the government and recorded your every move, and being monitored for all your normal day to day activities. 1. Privacy: This card will hold a vast amount of personal information such as your name, address (and former addresses), names of other family members, your religion, education, fingerprints, and much more. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable carrying around that much information about myself, let alone trust another family member who could accidentally misplace their own card, thus exposing my personal details to a stranger. What if the government were to keep adding more and more personal information to that card in the future? It’s already a frightening world that we live in today with so much of our personal information floating around cyber space, and to keep adding more, would just leave people in a state of complete paranoia. I highly doubt that many people would even feel safer with this card. Look at how easy it is for teenagers, criminals to get a fake id right now. This system still would not guarantee that the terrorists could still obtain a card by fraudulently acquiring a birth certificate or a social security card. How can we trust that the government officials who job it is to secure our privacy wont have an insider selling our private information to a thief? Computer hackers are another potential threat. If they penetrate the government’s dat... ... middle of paper ... ...e securing our nation, but I believe that if the system crashes, we would be vulnerable to an attack, and hurt our nation even more. Technology is wonderful as long as its working, but when it fails you and has cracks in it, it becomes a huge burden. If our government wants to protect us , than why not invest that tax money and establish a new system to catch more criminals. There are a lot of more of criminals inside than terrorists anyways in our nation. Imagine a system where all of our law enforcement agencies communicate with one another and share the same information and enter information of the same system. Why don’t we have that already? America shouldn’t just stand united under a song, but also a system where it’s the same in all states. Imagine how many more criminals would be caught and not have the opportunity to become repeat offenders.

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