The Issues of Dress Codes in Schools

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Most schools today, having a rule that students must wear uniform. In certain schools, uniform liability has become part of school discipline and strictly implemented, ranging from the provision of forms, materials, attributes wears, even including how to purchase. Just as events in several countries, the provision of school uniform presence is always inviting pros and cons. On the one hand, there are agreed and on the other hand, are not a few who saw no need for school uniforms, of course, with their respective arguments. Even in the eyes of the students was not impossible, arising pros and cons. Despite of that uniform is not comfortable to wear and many students prefer to go to school without a uniform.
Some school that has a rule that every student must wear uniform thing that this policy can make the learning atmosphere better. Therefore, the student have a homogeneity and not differentiate each other. Uniform can make the student perform well and makes the teaching and learning activities conducive. Perhaps the most important benefit of adopting Uniform would be creating a better learning environment. Inappropriate clothing can be distracting to fellow students who are trying to concentrate. Short skirts, tank tops, and low pants are fine for after school, but not for the classroom. T-shirts with risky images or profanity may be offensive to certain groups. Students should express themselves through art or creative writing, not clothing. With fewer distractions, students can concentrate on getting a good education, which can help them later on. Another benefit of having a dress code is that it will prepare students to dress properly for different places. When people go to a party, people do not wear the same clothes with c...

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