Issues Evolved from Illegal Immigration and Their History

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America as a whole has come to be defined by a single phrase, “Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” written by young immigrant from Portugal, Emma Lazarus, and engraved on the Statue of Liberty. With more and more people entering the country, the United States quickly evolved into the ultimate melting pot that it is today. As time has moved on America remains welcoming to the millions of immigrants. However, entry into the United States has become much more complicated. This complication resulted in a new type of immigration: illegal immigration. Ignoring American laws, these immigrants enter the country unnoticed and assimilate themselves into American Culture. With large borders and citizens who fail to abide by the law, the government basically allows them to actually cause some major damage.
To fully understand the issues developed from illegal immigration, the history of illegal immigration in the U.S. must be understood first. At the country’s start few policies were in place regulating immigration. Conforming to most information, the only people denied entrance to the country were those considered criminals, anarchists, or disease carriers (Eyewitness to History). Protection of this country and its people remains the primary purpose. Still today, near any foreigner has the ability to legally reside in this country. However, through the years, the process of becoming legal in the United States has become much more difficult. The United States zero tolerance policy means when illegal’s are found they must be deported. Being that today’s system is much stricter, many argue that the policy’s are very proactive and efficient. The policies are strict on paper but one question remains...

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