Islam has Raised the Status of Women

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"The dowry, previously regarded as a bride-price paid to the father, became a nuptial gift retained by the wife as part of her personal property" (Fanar). This quote sums up the transition of women from being property to an individual person. Women used to be sold and purchased, but Islam raised the status of the women within a society that never thought much of the female. In the past, certain societies believed marriage was nothing more than a status symbol. Women were thought of producing children and establishing a man’s family tree. During pre-Islamic Arabia, women had no rights and were not considered equal members of society. They were given no respect, and discarded when men grew tired of them. Women were considered lower than slaves, and lived in depressing conditions. The revelations of the Qur'an changed the status of women in Arabia. Before Islam, women were regarded as low-class citizens and given little rights. However, Islam brought the necessary changes to a woman's role in society and raised her status. Women were allowed to own land and work, have marriage rights, and earned respect in a once male-centered society.

Prior to the spread of Islam, women considered the property of their husbands. They were not allowed to own land, and even if their husband passed away all the property rights would be given to the son (Farooqi). Thus, women were locked away from society and were not able to flourish. They were latched on to the identity of their husbands, and not looked as anything more than a means of having children. However, the coming of Islam changed the status of women because they were given a chance to work and own property. Women played an imperative role in society; they were able to work in different jobs...

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