The Cost Of College Is Expensive

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Keep Your Focus Are you as a high schooler, ready for the big transition from high school to college? Many students don’t realize that this is a big transition and a big leap forward. Many think that there is no difference besides the work that is assigned. They are in for a rude awakening when that time comes. Students will realize the difference very quickly, even way before they experience the real college life. Usually students start to catch a glimpse of that when applying and while visiting the campuses. The cost/expenses, the workload, and the social atmosphere is what makes High School and college two different educational institutions. The cost of college is expensive. Anyone who wants to eventually attend college full-time or even part-time must pay ridiculously high fees. College tuition can vary, but a normal community college can usually start at $2,000 per term or even costing $3,500per term. Tuition sometimes includes fees for living on campus too. Even though some might not live on campus, students usually rent a room somewhere else to be close to school. Text books are usually some of the extra fees that are part of college. It is required for almost every class, and could end up costing a few hundred dollars for a class. Besides the tuition and the books there is still expected fees for most students that include transportation and food. Both could usually cost an easy $50-$75 dollars a week. The cost of high school is nothing compared to the cost of college. High school students have it very easy in every aspect compared to a college student. One huge factor that’s different for a high school student is that they don’t have to pay for school. High school is free because it is government funded. Money from tax... ... middle of paper ... ... The social aspect in college is a different atmosphere, in a good way, compared to high school. There are way much more activities, sports, and clubs for every student to participate in, than in high school. College students have both the privileges of being able to join sport teams, also as well as being able to use any athletic facilities the college has to offer. For example gyms, pools, and weight rooms. Colleges also like to host special social events that are not offered in high school. Examples of these events are orientation week and social nights. Colleges also offer more clubs than most high schools do. Colleges are usually guarantee to have a club for every student because the amount of students attending school. Athletic facilities, social events, clubs and special interest get together show the college life is much more social than the high school life.

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